
“Development of The Comprehensive Nursing Assessment & Nursing Service Plan” (HCS/TxHmL)
Date: October 23rd, 2023
Time: 10AM-12:30 PM
Cost: $55/person
For: Nursing Staff, Quality Assurance Staff, Program Managers, Administrators
Presenter: Betty Briscoe, RN Consultant
Co-Presenter: Julie Blacklock-IDD Consultant
Please register for this webinar on or before October 15th, 2023 for early bird special. Cost will increase to $60/person after the 15th!
Contact us at meghanjones.tx@gmail .com or info@twogetherconsulting.com to register and/or make payment.
You will receive your link from “Gotowebinar” to register for the class, upon payment and your handouts just prior to the training.
–Review of the CNA (Comprehensive Nursing Assessment) in the HCS/TxHmL programs and the description of what the CNA really should consist of, according to HHSC. Includes Sample CNA to Review and CNA Description handout
-It also includes a discussion of Annual Renewal or Review of previous CNA and ongoing review of health status and stability and how this will be incorporated.
-Discussion of different parts of the CNA, such as the NSP (Nursing Service Plan) objectives, Justifications, and the need to include the NSP information in the Nursing section of the Implementation Plan (IP). Includes sample NSP in the ppt.
-Discussion of Special Needs, Staff Direction & Training, as well as Emergency PRN protocols and how and where these can be integrated into other areas of the NSP. Includes copies of forms and samples of training in-service.

We would be glad to invoice you if you prefer. Please indicate how you will pay when you register with Meghan Jones.
Option #1:
Requested invoice: We will send you an invoice from Paypal and then you can make a payment directly through the invoice- using a credit card, debit card, Paypal account, or payment by check.
Option #2:
Online Payment: You may pay directly through your PayPal invoice or you may also choose to use our “Paypal Social Media” payment button for this specific event. Click on the button below:
Option #3:
You may pay on the Twogether Consulting website. Here is the direct link to the “Payment” page
If you have any problems, please ask Meghan Jones to walk you through it, when you call to register. Please contact us directly about group rates. Remember for this option, you will need to enter in total $ amount for # of attendees. Ex: 2 people want to attend x $125 =$250 total.
Option #4: NEW!
We now take Zelle payments through our Twogether Consulting Zelle account: Please contact Meghan Jones at meghanjones.tx@gmail.com for directions to make payment.
To complete registration and for any additional information or to arrange payment by check you must contact:
Meghan Jones at: meghanjones.tx@gmail.com
You may contact Meghan by phone at: (361) 649-5104
Mailing address for checks: Twogether Consulting P.O. Box 90426 Austin, TX 78709