Student Recital: Abigail Cunningham

Thursday, March 28, 2024 from 06:30 pm to 07:30 pm

Event Details

Thursday, March 28, 2024 from 06:30 pm to 07:30 pm
Kresge Theatre, College of Fine Arts at 5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15213
This is a free event!
School of Music Box Office
412-268-2383 412-268-2383

Student Recital

Abigail Cunningham, soprano
I-Hsiang Chao, piano
Shulin An, piano


Aaron Copland Why do they shut me out of heaven?

John Duke Bee! I’m Expecting You

Ricky Ian Gordon Will there really be a morning?

Louis Durey Épigrammes de Théocrite

Hugo Wolf Three Unhappy Love Songs

Kurt Weill I’m a Stranger Here Myself

Lori Laitman Two Emily Dickinson Songs

Vicenzo Bellini Ma rendi pur contento

Gaetano Donizetti Il Barcaiolo

Paolo Tosti ‘A Vucchella

Vernon Duke Born Too Late

Marc Blitzstein Modest Maid

Vincent Youmans Should I be sweet?

Aaron Copland Laurie’s Song

Free and open to the public; No tickets required. 

Cost and Tickets

Cost & Tickets

This is a free event!

School of Music Box Office

Phone: 412-268-2383 412-268-2383
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Kresge Theatre, College of Fine Arts

5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
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